Ways to Get the Snake Out of the Attic

Paterson snake

Snakes are not blessed with limbs, but it does not restrict their movement. They can swim, fly, jump, and even climb on trees and the higher areas of our home. Therefore, it will not be surprising for the snakes to end in our attic. However, they will need to exert a lot of effort when climbing structures. When they are climbing higher areas, there should be a motivation behind this. For instance, they may be hunting prey like a rodent, or this place is perhaps providing them protection from different elements like predators. It can also be warm that will help them regulate their body temperature.

Why Are Snakes Attracted to my Attic?
Attics may be the preferred denning site of the snake since it does not receive a lot of human activities. Additionally, this is a perfect place for rodent infestation; we all know rodents are part of the snakes' natural diet. Solving your underlying infestation can make the attic less prone to a snake visit. The attic also offers a range of cover; it is also warm, helping them regulate their body temperature.

What Are Some Signs That I Have a Snake in My Attic?
Some homeowners will be alarmed if they saw a shed snakeskin on their property. However, it does not always mean that there is a snake in your yard if you saw this. You need to pay attention to the other signs. For instance, you may discover a snake dropping in the attic. The droppings of the snake will contain the body parts of their prey. You may find claws, teeth, bones, and fur if there are rodents in your attic. If you have an insect infestation, the dropping of the snake may include the exoskeleton of the insect. You may also hear strange noises in the attic. If you have an existing rodent infestation and you noticed that they suddenly disappeared, there may be a predator in your attic.

How to Remove the Snakes in My Attic?
The most recommended method is to call the help of the snake experts, especially if you don't know how to identify a venomous and a non-venomous snake. Snake removal professionals have the tools and experience to capture the animal humanely and remain safe from the risks related to this creature. Once the animal has been removed, you should ask them to inspect your attic. They will look for a vulnerability in your structure, such as gaps, cracks, and holes that the animals may use as an entry point. They will then use appropriate materials to prevent the reinfestation from happening.

Additionally, you should also conduct simple preventive measures to prevent snake infestation. For instance, you should clear the clutters in your home. Mow your lawn and cut down the shrubs periodically. Deal with your existing rodent infestation to avoid attracting the attention of the snakes. You may also erect a snake fence if you think your place is highly vulnerable to snake infestation.

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